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Note: This resource links can be expanded using the expand option except the asset link.

The rendition resource refers to a Video rendition of a specific Asset. In Mediagenix On-Demand an asset normally represents an Editorial Version of a given feature or episode of a series (i.e. with or without violence, with or without ads, etc.), and that Editorial Version can be then held in multiple video renditions (different bit rates, different video formats, etc.)

This is how a rendition looks through the API:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
  <id type="integer">73</id>
  <width type="integer">1280</width>
  <height type="integer">720</height>
  <encoding nil="true"/>
  <color>black_and_white</color> <!-- Valid values: color, colorized, black_and_white, black_and_white_and_color -->
  <frame-rate nil="true"/> <!-- Valid values: positive numbers with or without decimals -->
  <scan>interlaced</scan> <!-- Valid values: interlaced, progressive -->
  <aspect-ratio>16:9</aspect-ratio> <!-- Valid format: two numbers separated by : or / -->
  <bit-rate-minimum type="integer">600</bit-rate-minimum>
  <bit-rate-maximum type="integer">1200</bit-rate-maximum>
  <bit-rate-average type="integer">1000</bit-rate-average>
  <bit-rate-variable type="boolean">true</bit-rate-variable>
  <file-size type="integer">1073741824</file-size>
  <runtime type="duration">00:34:20.000</runtime>
  <link rel="self" href=""/>
  <link rel="file" href=""/>
  <link rel="audio_tracks" href=""/>
  <link rel="subtitles" href=""/>
  <link rel="target_platforms" href=""/>
  <link rel="asset" href=""/>
  <link rel="metadata" href=""/>
  "resource_type": "rendition",
  "id": 73,
  "external_id": "ABCD00001",
  "width": 1280,
  "height": 720,
  "encoding": "",
  "color": "black_and_white", // Valid values: color, colorized, black_and_white, black_and_white_and_color
  "frame_rate": null, // Valid values: positive numbers with or without decimals
  "scan": "interlaced", // Valid values: interlaced, progressive
  "aspect_ratio": "16:9", // Valid format: two numbers separated by : or /
  "bit_rate_minimum": 600,
  "bit_rate_maximum": 1200,
  "bit_rate_average": 1000,
  "bit_rate_variable": true,
  "file_name": "wadus.mp4",
  "file_size": 1073741824,
  "file_md5": "1bbc4c41ea7c9d3a7dc1509727f698b7",
  "runtime": "00:34:20.000",
  "self_link": "",
  "file_link": "",
  "audio_tracks_link": "",
  "subtitles_link": "",
  "target_platforms_link": "",
  "asset_link": "",
  "metadata_link": ""

Valid attributes

  • external-id (optional): the identifier of the rendition in the external system. If provided, it has to be unique in the scope of the company.

  • color: The field color is validated when it’s specified. The list of allowed values is: color, colorized, black_and_white, black_and_white_and_color.

  • frame-rate: The field frame-rate is validated when it’s specified. The valid value has to be positive numbers with or without decimals.

  • scan: The field scan is validated when it’s specified. The list of allowed values is: interlaced, progressive.

  • aspect-ratio: The field aspect-ratio is validated when it’s specificed. The valid format is two numbers separated by : or / (eg. 4:3, 16/9 or 1.85:1)

  • file-name: The field file-name is validated when it’s specified. It should be a valid filename without spaces and other special characters like #, $, [], {}, @…

  • rel="file": This field should be a valid URI

  • runtime: (optional): the runtime of the rendition. Format “hh:mm:ss.mmm”. The miliseconds are optional, a rendition with 01:01:01 is valid, it’s assumed 0 milliseconds.

Get a list of all renditions in the current account

Renditions are linked from the root of the API, through the link identified with the rel="renditions" attribute:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!-- ... -->
  <link rel="renditions" href=""/>
  <!-- ... -->
  "resource_type": "movida",
  // ...
  "renditions_link": "",
  // ...

Following that link, we can fetch the list of renditions in the current account.

$ curl --digest -u robot_user:password
$ curl --digest -u robot_user:password -H "Accept: application/json"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<renditions type="array">
  <link rel="next" href=""/>
  <link rel="prev" href=""/>
    <id type="integer">73</id>
    <width type="integer">1280</width>
    <height type="integer">720</height>
    <encoding nil="true"/>
    <frame-rate nil="true"/>
    <bit-rate-minimum type="integer">600</bit-rate-minimum>
    <bit-rate-maximum type="integer">1200</bit-rate-maximum>
    <bit-rate-average type="integer">1000</bit-rate-average>
    <bit-rate-variable type="boolean">true</bit-rate-variable>
    <file-size type="integer">1073741824</file-size>
    <runtime type="duration">00:34:20.000</runtime>
    <link rel="self" href=""/>
    <link rel="file" href=""/>
    <link rel="audio_tracks" href=""/>
    <link rel="subtitles" href=""/>
    <link rel="target_platforms" href=""/>
    <link rel="asset" href=""/>
    <link rel="metadata" href=""/>
    <id type="integer">832</id>
    <width type="integer">1280</width>
    <height type="integer">720</height>
    <encoding nil="true"/>
    <frame-rate nil="true"/>
    <bit-rate-minimum type="integer">600</bit-rate-minimum>
    <bit-rate-maximum type="integer">1200</bit-rate-maximum>
    <bit-rate-average type="integer">1000</bit-rate-average>
    <bit-rate-variable type="boolean">true</bit-rate-variable>
    <file-size type="integer">1072630713</file-size>
    <runtime type="duration">00:41:17.000</runtime>
    <link rel="self" href=""/>
    <link rel="file" href=""/>
    <link rel="audio_tracks" href=""/>
    <link rel="subtitles" href=""/>
    <link rel="target_platforms" href=""/>
    <link rel="asset" href=""/>
    <link rel="metadata" href=""/>
  <!-- ... -->
  "total_entries": 1143,
  "prev_link": "",
  "next_link": "",
  "entries": [
      "resource_type": "rendition",
      "id": 73,
      "external_id": "ABCD00001",
      "width": 1280,
      "height": 720,
      "encoding": null,
      "color": "black_and_white",
      "frame_rate": null,
      "scan": "interlaced",
      "aspect_ratio": "16:9",
      "bit_rate_minimum": 600,
      "bit_rate_maximum": 1200,
      "bit_rate_average": 1000,
      "bit_rate_variable": true,
      "file_name": "wadus.mp4",
      "file_size": 1073741824,
      "file_md5": "1bbc4c41ea7c9d3a7dc1509727f698b7",
      "runtime": "00:34:20.000",
      "self_link": "",
      "file_link": "",
      "audio_tracks_link": "",
      "subtitles_link": "",
      "target_platforms_link": "",
      "asset_link": "",
      "metadata_link": ""
      "resource_type": "rendition",
      "id": 832,
      "external_id": "ABCD00802",
      "width": 1280,
      "height": 720,
      "encoding": null,
      "color": "color",
      "frame_rate": null,
      "scan": "progressive",
      "aspect_ratio": "16:9",
      "bit_rate_minimum": 600,
      "bit_rate_maximum": 1200,
      "bit_rate_average": 1000,
      "bit_rate_variable": true,
      "file_name": "foo.mp4",
      "file_size": 1072630713,
      "file_md5": "1bbc4c41ea74053cc550972ab4206d",
      "runtime": "00:41:17.000",
      "self_link": "",
      "file_link": "",
      "audio_tracks_link": "",
      "subtitles_link": "",
      "target_platforms_link": "",
      "asset_link": "",
      "metadata_link": ""
    // ...

Note: This is a paginated resource. By default, only 50 renditions will be included in each page but you can override this default by using the per_page parameter described in the next section. The total-entries attribute will indicate the total number of entries and the links rel="next" and rel="prev" should be used to get the next and the previous pages.

Valid attributes

You can filter the list of renditions returned using the following attributes:

  • external_id: It will return only the rendition with the exact given external_id (if any).

  • per_page: Number of elements returned in each page. The maximum value allowed is 200 and the default is 50.

Get a list for all renditions for an asset

renditions are accessed via the Asset they belong to, as in the example below, through the link identified by the rel=”renditions” attribute:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<assets type="array">
  <link rel="next" href=""/>
    <id type="integer">46</id>
    <!-- ... -->
    <link rel="renditions" href=""/>
    <!-- ... -->
  <!-- ... -->
  "total_entries": 133,
  "next_link": "",
  "entries": [
      "resource_type": "asset",
      "id": 46,
      "name": "Film",
      // ...
      "renditions_link": "",
      // ...
    // ...

If we follow that link, we can fetch the list of all renditions for that asset.

$ curl --digest -u robot_user:password
$ curl --digest -u robot_user:password -H "Accept: application/json"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<renditions type="array">
    <id type="integer">73</id>
    <width type="integer">1280</width>
    <height type="integer">720</height>
    <frame-rate nil="true"/>
    <bit-rate-minimum type="integer">600</bit-rate-minimum>
    <bit-rate-maximum type="integer">1200</bit-rate-maximum>
    <bit-rate-average type="integer">1000</bit-rate-average>
    <bit-rate-variable type="boolean">true</bit-rate-variable>
    <file-size type="integer">1073741824</file-size>
    <runtime type="duration">00:34:20.000</runtime>
    <link rel="self" href=""/>
    <link rel="file" href=""/>
    <link rel="audio_tracks" href=""/>
    <link rel="subtitles" href=""/>
    <link rel="target_platforms" href=""/>
    <link rel="asset" href=""/>
    <link rel="metadata" href=""/>
    <id type="integer">74</id>
    <width type="integer">1280</width>
    <height type="integer">720</height>
    <frame-rate nil="true"/>
    <bit-rate-variable type="boolean">false</bit-rate-variable>
    <file-size type="integer">1073741824</file-size>
    <runtime type="duration">00:38:10.000</runtime>
    <link rel="self" href=""/>
    <link rel="file" href=""/>
    <link rel="audio_tracks" href=""/>
    <link rel="subtitles" href=""/>
    <link rel="target_platforms" href=""/>
    <link rel="asset" href=""/>
    <link rel="metadata" href=""/>
  "entries": [
      "resource_type": "rendition",
      "id": 73,
      "external_id": "ABCD00001",
      "width": 1280,
      "height": 720,
      "encoding": "H264",
      "color": "black_and_white",
      "frame_rate": null,
      "scan": "interlaced",
      "aspect_ratio": "16:9",
      "bit_rate_minimum": 600,
      "bit_rate_maximum": 1200,
      "bit_rate_average": 1000,
      "bit_rate_variable": true,
      "file_name": "wadus.mp4",
      "file_size": 1073741824,
      "file_md5": "1bbc4c41ea7c9d3a7dc1509727f698b7",
      "runtime": "00:34:20.000",
      "self_link": "",
      "file_link": "",
      "audio_tracks_link": "",
      "subtitles_link": "",
      "target_platforms_link": "",
      "asset_link": "",
      "metadata_link": ""
      "resource_type": "rendition",
      "id": 74,
      "external_id": "ABCD00002",
      "width": 1280,
      "height": 720,
      "encoding": "H264",
      "color": "black_and_white",
      "frame_rate": null,
      "scan": "interlaced",
      "aspect_ratio": "16:9",
      "bit_rate_minimum": 600,
      "bit_rate_maximum": 1200,
      "bit_rate_average": 1000,
      "bit_rate_variable": false,
      "file_name": "wadus.mp4",
      "file_size": 1073741824,
      "file_md5": "1bbc4c41ea7c9d3a7dc1509727f698b7",
      "runtime": "00:38:10.000",
      "self_link": "",
      "file_link": "",
      "audio_tracks_link": "",
      "subtitles_link": "",
      "target_platforms_link": "",
      "asset_link": "",
      "metadata_link": ""

Each rendition has a link to its parent asset; this enables an integration that doesn’t store a reference to the asset (i.e. it only references the rendition) to easily find the parent asset, then the title, etc.

$ curl --digest -u robot_user:password
$ curl --digest -u robot_user:password -H "Accept: application/json"

Get a specific rendition

This a good way to recover information about a specific rendition.

$ curl --digest -u robot_user:password
$ curl --digest -u robot_user:password -H "Accept: application/json"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <id type="integer">73</id>
  <width type="integer">1280</width>
  <height type="integer">720</height>
  <frame-rate nil="true"/>
  <bit-rate-variable type="boolean">false</bit-rate-variable>
  <file-size type="integer">1073741824</file-size>
  <runtime type="duration">01:14:20.000</runtime>
  <link rel="self" href=""/>
  <link rel="file" href=""/>
  <link rel="audio_tracks" href=""/>
  <link rel="subtitles" href=""/>
  <link rel="target_platforms" href=""/>
  <link rel="asset" href=""/>
  <link rel="metadata" href=""/>
  "resource_type": "rendition",
  "id": 73,
  "external_id": "ABCD00001",
  "width": 1280,
  "height": 720,
  "encoding": "H264",
  "color": "black_and_white",
  "frame_rate": null,
  "scan": "interlaced",
  "aspect_ratio": "16:9",
  "bit_rate_minimum": 600,
  "bit_rate_maximum": 1200,
  "bit_rate_average": 1000,
  "bit_rate_variable": false,
  "file_name": "wadus.mp4",
  "file_size": 1073741824,
  "file_md5": "1bbc4c41ea7c9d3a7dc1509727f698b7",
  "runtime": "01:14:20.000",
  "self_link": "",
  "file_link": "",
  "audio_tracks_link": "",
  "subtitles_link": "",
  "target_platforms_link": "",
  "asset_link": "",
  "metadata_link": ""

Remember you can use the expand me some nodes trick if you want to, for instance, find out what is the subtitles and audio_tracks of a particular rendition.

$ curl --digest -u robot_user:password,subtitles,target_platforms
$ curl --digest -u robot_user:password -H "Accept: application/json",subtitles,target_platforms

This would expand the rel="audio_tracks" link, and then would also expand the rel="subtitles" link inside the rendition and the target platforms, yielding something like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <id type="integer">77</id>
  <width type="integer">1280</width>
  <height type="integer">720</height>
  <encoding nil="true"/>
  <frame-rate nil="true"/>
  <bit-rate-variable type="boolean">false</bit-rate-variable>
  <file-size type="integer">1073741824</file-size>
  <runtime type="duration">00:34:20.000</runtime>
  <link rel="self" href=""/>
  <link rel="file" href=""/>
  <link rel="audio_tracks" href="">
    <audio-tracks type="array">
        <id type="integer">27</id>
        <original-version type="boolean">true</original-version>
        <mix-type>Dolby Digital</mix-type>
        <audio-description type="boolean">true</audio-description>
        <file-size nil="true"/>
        <link rel="self" href=""/>
        <link rel="file" href=""/>
        <link rel="metadata" href=""/>
        <link rel="rendition" href=""/>
  <link rel="subtitles" href="">
    <subtitles type="array">
        <id type="integer">16</id>
        <burnt-in type="boolean">false</burnt-in>
        <for-the-hearing-impaired type="boolean">false</for-the-hearing-impaired>
        <file-size type="integer">1024</file-size>
        <link rel="self" href=""/>
        <link rel="file" href=""/>
        <link rel="metadata" href=""/>
        <link rel="rendition" href=""/>
  <link rel="target_platforms" href="">
    <target-platforms type="array">
        <link rel="self" href=""/>
        <link rel="platform" href=""/>
  <link rel="asset" href=""/>
  <link rel="metadata" href=""/>
  "resource_type": "rendition",
  "id": 77,
  "external_id": "ABCD00006",
  "width": 1280,
  "height": 720,
  "encoding": "",
  "color": "black_and_white_and_color",
  "frame_rate": null,
  "scan": "interlaced",
  "aspect_ratio": "16:9",
  "bit_rate_minimum": 600,
  "bit_rate_maximum": 1200,
  "bit_rate_average": 1000,
  "bit_rate_variable": false,
  "file_name": "wadus.mp4",
  "file_size": 1073741824,
  "file_md5": "1bbc4c41ea7c9d3a7dc1509727f698b7",
  "runtime": "00:34:20.000",
  "self_link": "",
  "file_link": "",
  "audio_tracks_link": "",
  "audio_tracks": {
    "entries": [
        "resource_type": "audio_track",
        "id": 27,
        "language": "eng",
        "original_version": true,
        "encoding": "WMA9",
        "mix_type": "Dolby Digital",
        "channels": "5.1",
        "audio_description": true,
        "file_name": "",
        "file_size": null,
        "file_md5": "",
        "self_link": "",
        "file_link": "",
        "metadata_link": "",
        "rendition_link": ""
  "subtitles_link": "",
  "subtitles": {
    "entries": [
        "resource_type": "subtitle",
        "id": 16,
        "language": "eng",
        "burnt_in": false,
        "for_the_hearing_impaired": false,
        "file_name": "",
        "file_size": 1024,
        "file_md5": "1bbc4c41ea7c9d3a7dc1509727f698b7",
        "self_link": "",
        "file_link": "",
        "metadata_link": "",
        "rendition_link": ""
  "target_platforms_link": "",
  "target_platforms": {
    "entries": [
        "resource_type": "target_platform",
        "self_link": "",
        "platform_link": ""
  "asset_link": "",
  "metadata_link": ""

Creating a new rendition for an asset

To create a rendition, you just need to POST a proper XML/JSON rendition representation (similar to the ones you get when fetching a rendition) to the proper URL. As explained above, that URL is in the link node whose rel attribute equals renditions.

For example, this POST would create a rendition (we’ll use curl’s @ option, which reads the data that is to be posted to the URL from a file):

$ cat rendition.xml
$ cat rendition.json
  <width type="integer">1280</width>
  <height type="integer">720</height>
  <bit-rate-variable type="boolean">false</bit-rate-variable>
  <file-size type="integer">1073741824</file-size>
  <link rel="file" href=""/>
  "external_id": "ABCD9982",
  "width": 1280,
  "height": 720,
  "encoding": "H264",
  "color": "black_and_white",
  "frame_rate": "29.97",
  "scan": "interlaced",
  "bit_rate_minimum": 600,
  "bit_rate_maximum": 1200,
  "bit_rate_average": 1000,
  "bit_rate_variable": false,
  "file_name": "wadus.mp4",
  "file_size": "1073741824",
  "file_md5": "1bbc4c41ea7c9d3a7dc1509727f698b7",
  "file_link": ""
$ curl --digest -u robot_user:password -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -X POST -d @rendition.xml ""
$ curl --digest -u robot_user:password -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d @rendition.json ""

Mediagenix On-Demand will return the full XML/JSON of the rendition just created:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <id type="integer">73</id>
  <width type="integer">1280</width>
  <height type="integer">720</height>
  <aspect-ratio nil="true"/>
  <bit-rate-variable type="boolean">false</bit-rate-variable>
  <file-size type="integer">1073741824</file-size>
  <runtime nil="true"/>
  <link rel="self" href=""/>
  <link rel="file" href=""/>
  <link rel="audio_tracks" href=""/>
  <link rel="subtitles" href=""/>
  <link rel="target_platforms" href=""/>
  <link rel="asset" href=""/>
  <link rel="metadata" href=""/>
  "resource_type": "rendition",
  "id": 73,
  "external_id": "ABCD9982",
  "width": 1280,
  "height": 720,
  "encoding": "H264",
  "color": "black_and_white",
  "frame_rate": "29.97",
  "scan": "interlaced",
  "aspect_ratio": null,
  "bit_rate_minimum": 600,
  "bit_rate_maximum": 1200,
  "bit_rate_average": 1000,
  "bit_rate_variable": false,
  "file_name": "wadus.mp4",
  "file_size": 1073741824,
  "file_md5": "1bbc4c41ea7c9d3a7dc1509727f698b7",
  "runtime": null,
  "self_link": "",
  "file_link": "",
  "audio_tracks_link": "",
  "subtitles_link": "",
  "target_platforms_link": "",
  "asset_link": "",
  "metadata_link": ""

Updating a rendition

As our introduction to REST APIs guide suggests, you can update a rendition using a PUT request to each rendition URI. You only need to include those attributes of the rendition that you wish to update:

$ cat rendition_update.xml
$ cat rendition_update.json
  <link rel="file" href=""/>
  "width": 800,
  "height": 600,
  "encoding": "H264",
  "color": "color",
  "file_link": ""
$ curl --digest -u robot_user:password -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -X PUT -d @rendition_update.xml ""
$ curl --digest -u robot_user:password -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X PUT -d @rendition_update.json ""

As always Mediagenix On-Demand will return the full XML/JSON of the rendition just updated:

  <id type="integer">73</id>
  <width type="integer">800</width>
  <height type="integer">600</height>
  <aspect-ratio nil="true"/>
  <bit-rate-variable type="boolean">false</bit-rate-variable>
  <file-size type="integer">1073741824</file-size>
  <runtime nil="true"/>
  <link rel="self" href=""/>
  <link rel="file" href=""/>
  <link rel="audio_tracks" href=""/>
  <link rel="subtitles" href=""/>
  <link rel="target_platforms" href=""/>
  <link rel="asset" href=""/>
  <link rel="metadata" href=""/>
  "resource_type": "rendition",
  "id": 73,
  "external_id": "ABCD9982",
  "width": 800,
  "height": 600,
  "encoding": "H264",
  "color": "color",
  "frame_rate": "29.97",
  "scan": "interlaced",
  "aspect_ratio": null,
  "bit_rate_minimum": 600,
  "bit_rate_maximum": 1200,
  "bit_rate_average": 1000,
  "bit_rate_variable": false,
  "file_name": "wadus.mp4",
  "file_size": 1073741824,
  "file_md5": "1bbc4c41ea7c9d3a7dc1509727f698b7",
  "runtime": null,
  "self_link": "",
  "file_link": "",
  "audio_tracks_link": "",
  "subtitles_link": "",
  "target_platforms_link": "",
  "asset_link": "",
  "metadata_link": ""

Deleting a rendition

You can also delete a rendition using DELETE request to each rendition URI:

$ curl --digest -u robot_user:password -X DELETE ""
$ curl --digest -u robot_user:password -H "Accept: application/json" -X DELETE ""

Note: Deleting a rendition doesn’t delete related resources such as audio tracks or subtitles. You should manually delete them.

File Name Validation

Note that the Mediagenix On-Demand API validates the file name for rendition files. If the file name in a given request includes one or more restricted characters, then the response body for the 4xx error will include the “The request could not be processed by the server due to malformed syntax” message. Please review the Status Codes and Errors page for the full list of restricted characters and associated HTTP status codes.